Volume 19.1-2


Crossing the Egyptian Desert: Epigraphic Work at Kharga Oasis (p. 209)

PLATE III: General view of Amun Rock
(Image by Nikolaos Lazaridis)
PLATE IV: Graffito Amun Rock 9 (Image by Nikolaos Lazaridis)
PLATE V: Glyptic graffiti next to Amun Rock 9
(Image by Nikolaos Lazaridis)
PLATE VI: Graffito Amun Rock 5 (Image by Nikolaos Lazaridis)
PLATE VII: Graffito Amun Rock 6 (Image by Nikolaos Lazaridis)
PLATE VIII: Graffito Amun Rock 10 (Image by Nikolaos Lazaridis)
PLATE IX: Graffito Amun Rock 11 (Image by Nikolaos Lazaridis)

Men from Ra'shu in Service of the King:
A New Study of RS 15.022+ (KTU/CAT 4.141) (p. 216)

PLATE X: RS 15.022+ Recto Hand Drawing (Miller C. Prosser)
PLATE XI: RS 15.022+ Verso Hand Drawing (Miller C. Prosser)
PLATE XII: RS 15.022+ Recto and Edges (Projet PhoTEO, Mission de Ras Shamra; photographer, Miller C. Prosser)
PLATE XIII: RS 15.022+ Verso (Projet PhoTEO, Mission de Ras Shamra; photographer, Miller C. Prosser)
PLATE XIV: RS 15.022+ Recto Reconstruction (Miller C. Prosser)
PLATE XV: RS 15.022+ Title and Upper Section (Projet PhoTEO, Mission de Ras Shamra; photographer, Miller C. Prosser)
PLATE XVI: RS 11.766+ Title (Projet PhoTEO, Mission de Ras Shamra; photographer, Miller C. Prosser)

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